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The Ancient Language
of the Soul

The Mystic Knowledge of Mantra

Nehemiah Davis

From early childhood Nehemiah’s father (Althair H. Davis) taught him to manipulate cosmic energies (prana) through prayer and mantra with metaphysical teachings that stress balanced karmic methods of actions through life. With this, his father instructed him in several forms of yoga, which included; karma yoga, hatha yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, mudra yoga, pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) and kundalini yoga. As a child his father created and enforced a daily schedule of early morning and late evening prayer, meditation, and pranayama. His education in metaphysics while growing up included mystic authors such as; H.P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Rama Prasad, Swami Vekadanada, Yogic Ramacharka teachings, Alice A. Bailey, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Sivananda,
Sir. John Woodroffe, as well as the late Dr George King founder and president of the Aetherius Society, a modern mystic order that his family were members of. Nehemiah Davis has been teaching on various metaphysical subjects over the last 25 year. His students have asked him over the last decade to write on the subjects he taught. This book “The Ancient Language of the Soul” is his beginning in sharing his knowledge with a large audience around the world.

ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1-4535-2519-7
ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-1-4535-2520-3

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ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-1-4535-2520-3 ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1-4535-2519-7
Discover an ancient science of manipulating subtle and gross pranas through sound vibrations. In this book, author Nehemiah Davis shares the knowledge on the relationship between mantra and the Soul. Mantra is actually the language of the Soul; it’s the sound vibrations used by the Soul to modify aspects of the Shakti powers into mind substance, astral and physical matter.

This book will help you to understand the essence of mantra; and gain a greater appreciation for it. Learn how to tap into the power of mantra and discover why the mantra power works. As you unveil the mystic knowledge of mantra, you can also explore how mantric sounds manipulate the cosmic energies or pranas of the Chakra System, the Nadi System, and Auric bodies.  This is a 204 page intense book on the subject of Mantra Sastra (knowledge); it gives an in-depth look into the subtle operations of the manifested consciousness of man and its relationship with mantra. It also shows the affects mantra chanting has on your body, mind and Soul. The book is complete with an introduction to the subject and a total of twelve chapters with a glossary, bibliography and index. All this and so much more are unraveled here.

The Mystic Knowledge of Mantra
Nehemiah Davis
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Nehemiah Davis
P. O. Box 700443
Goulds Florida 33170

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